IPO Grey Market Prices


  • We've seen that Aster DM Healthcare ipo gmp crushed and went down. 
  • SME ipos like Sintercom India, Taste Dairy, Mohini Healthcare is in good demand, see the kostak and subject to sauda of these ipos. 

Latest Grey Market Premium Today (As On 09/03/2018)

IPO NameOffer PriceGrey Market PremiumKostak Rates
HG Infra263-27010-12200-250
Bandhan Bank-35-38650-700
Angle Fibers27-15000 (SS)
CKP Leisure30-5000 (SS)
Hindcon Chemical28-18000 (SS)
Sarveshwar Foods83-85-9000 (SS)
Uniinfo Tele55-5000 (SS)
Inflame Appliances54-7000 (SS)
MacPower CNC126-140-5000 (SS)
  1. Any of the above Grey Market Premium is valid for the date mentioned.
  2. We are not dealing with any kind of IPO forms on IPO Grey Market.
  3. Investors should not subscribe to IPO considering only premium value as it may change anytime before listing you should always consider fundamental of the company. 

Know the Terms 

Grey Market Premium

Grey Market Premium / Grey Market Price or GMP is a term people use in IPO market. It means the stock of the company who came up with the initial public offer (IPO) bought and sold outside the stock market. 
This is an unofficial but to get the fix gain of the stock one can buy or sell their IPO application. Usually this works before the IPO listing and till the allotment. 
With the GMP one can get idea about how IPO might reach on the listing and can get idea about the listing gain of the IPO. 
Eg. If IPO Price is Rs. 500 and GMP is Rs 300 then IPO can be listed as Rs 800 and one can get the listing gain on the IPO price.

What is Kostak Rates

The kostak rates are the amount which one pay for the ipo application before the ipo listing. As the grey market reacts the kostak rates also reacts that way. One can buy and sell their full ipo application on kostak rates our side the market and fix their profit. The kostak rates applies in each conditions if you get the allotment or not one should pay the kostak rates for the ipo. If one did 5 application for one ipo and the sold the same at Rs.2500 per application it means he or she secured the ipo profit at 12500 rupees. If he get the allotment in 2 application still his profit will be the same. Now if he sell the stock which he got and get the profit around 25000 then he or she need to give the remaining profit to the guy who bought the application.

Subject to Sauda (SS)

As kostak rates the subject to sauda on the application is the amount decided to get the the firm allotment. If one buy or sell the ipo application on the subject to sauda it means one can get the said amount if one will get the allotment otherwise sauda will be cancelled. In this one can not be fix their profit as it depend on the allotment. Again if one get allotment and he or she sold the application around Rs.10000 and the profit goes high on listing day around Rs.15000 then one should pay Rs.5000 to the guy who bought the application.


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